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Winning Solutions, Inc. (WSI) can help you maximize both efficiency and profit by creating a comprehensive system tailored to your needs.

Whether you are looking for a more accurate way to track the time employees spend on projects or a completely new system for conducting your business, WSI is ready for the challenge. We believe that you should be able to do business your way and not be forced to use a program made for the masses.

If you have an existing legacy or modern database application and need enhancements or trouble shooting services, WSI may be the right solution for you. So, for new database solutions or help with existing ones, contact WSI today. We invite you to visit any of our related sites for more information or continue browsing this site.

Access ExpertMicrosoft Access Expert

The name says it all. With over 22 years of experience, it is hard to find another person or firm who has worked with Microsoft Access longer or done more in Microsoft Access. This site showcases the many Microsoft Access templates, code samples, articles, and helpful Access-related links that WSI has created and compiled over the years. We invite you to visit this site if you need some code to enable scheduling, GPS, map integration, email send automation, PowerPoint automation, and so much more. This is the site if you are looking for a wide range of existing Access databases you can buy and use; or build onto to create your own database solution. As with all our sites, you can use it to get in touch with us if you get overwhelmed working in Access and just want to pay us to do it for you.

Custom eLearning

We design and develop custom eLearning solutions that are effective and engaging. These innovative solutions capitalize on emerging technologies and delivery methods to effectively teach learners any place…at any time…on any device.

We provides professional services spanning the spectrum of your eLearning initiative…from project scoping and requirements identification, to managing the delivery of the courseware to the learners. Everything we do is custom to your unique needs. We ensure the solution is exactly what you want every time.

Our services include:

  • Project Scoping and Requirements Identification
  • eLearning Design and Development
  • Training Effectiveness Analysis
  • Learning Management System (LMS) Administration

Access ProfessionalsMicrosoft Access Professional

This site allows you to fill out a survey to tell us what your database needs are. Doing so allows us to more accurately respond to your inquiry. It also explains WSI's offerings in a modern, engaging format. It still represents the same WSI that has been delivering great Microsoft database solutions since 1994.

SQL ExpertsMicrosoft SQL Server Expert

WSI has been delivering solutions that incorporate Microsoft SQL Server since Microsoft first introduced the product. This is the site to visit for more information about WSI's Microsoft SQL Server related services. Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful database that has stood the test of time. There is a great free-for-commercial-use version that will meet the needs of many, up to the powerful on-premise Enterprise Edition and the latest Azure SQL cloud-based versions. Microsoft has a SQL server to fit almost every need and WSI has worked with them all. WSI can help you with your Microsoft SQL Server issues, build a new database using it, or add capability to your existing Microsoft SQL Server database. We make SQL Server work with Microsoft Access as well as Microsoft .NET based web applications.

Excel ExpertsMicrosoft Excel Expert

The power and the things we and others can do in Microsoft Excel never ceases to amaze. Spreadsheets have been around almost as long as computers. Microsoft has pushed spreadsheet technology to its limits. Today, Microsoft's dominant spreadsheet is a true powerhouse. If you need help getting the most out of Excel, check out this site. WSI Excel Experts go far beyond creating complex formulas and macros. Our people can program Microsoft Excel using Microsoft's powerful Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language. We can tie Excel into other Microsoft Office products. If you've reached the limits of Excel and are ready to move up to a Microsoft Access database or web application, WSI can take all the valuable functionality you've created in Excel and migrate it to a multi-user access database or web application. We can also help you get data out of Access and SQL Server, so you can do "what if" analysis in Excel. Come, check out our Excel site today.

.NET ExpertsMicrosoft .NET Expert

This Microsoft technology has been a major factor in keeping Microsoft at the forefront of information technology through the open source, mobile, and cloud revolutions. WSI is proud to have worked with and delivered solutions based on Microsoft .NET technology since its inception. You can't find another person or firm that has worked with Microsoft .NET longer than we have. WSI can build powerful desktop, web, mobile, and cloud applications for you. We also know how to tie the power of Microsoft .NET in to Microsoft's Office family of products like Microsoft Access. Visit this site today to learn more about WSI Microsoft .NET related services. WSI can work on your existing .NET applications too. We offer innovative options for migrating Office applications built in Microsoft Access to Microsoft .NET. See you there.

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WSI is a small business and a leading provider of custom access programming and database solutions for government entities, Fortune 1000 companies, and emerging businesses. We are your custom access development experts.